Frequently Asked Questions
Does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture is very effective at treating a wide variety of health concerns. For some issues it works almost instantly, and for others it takes a while for treatments to build on one other. In general, the longer a problem has been around, the longer it will take to treat.
What does it treat?
Acupuncture can benefit any issue related to the mind, body, or spirit. The list is endless, but a few examples include: pain, fatigue, anxiety and depression, insomnia, diabetes, hyper or hypotension, constipation, side effects of chemotherapy, asthma, arthritis, drug detox, fatigue, fertility, hypo or hyperthyroidism, the common cold, etc.
Can I get acupuncture even if I don’t have anything wrong?
Yes! It is a great preventive medicine. Just moving through this world on a daily basis makes it impossible for our bodies to be in perfect balance. Acupuncture can help identify areas where you might develop problems down the line, and help prevent those. You might also see improvements in areas of your life like sleep, digestion, energy, or stress that you thought were completely fine.
How does it work?
As we move through life, the substances that move through our bodies (energy, blood, fluids) can become stuck or weakened. Acupuncture works with your body’s natural system of channels to help balance these substances. Ask us more about it—it’s what we do!
How does Acupuncture work from a Western Science Viewpoint?
Chemical Theory: The acupuncture needle elicits a biochemical cascade of events: from the site of the needle, signals are sent to the brain to release natural pain killing substances into the blood stream. These substances include endorphins, such as the Opioid Dynorphin, natural mood enhancers such as Serotonin, and various hormones and neurotransmitters.
Structural Theory: Acupuncture can relieve pain by needling the trigger and motor points. The needle causes a localized contraction (fasciculation) in the muscle, which triggers a post-excitation relaxation response. Essentially, the needle tells the muscle to relax, allowing for better blood flow and healing.
• Electromagnetic Theory: Acupuncture points are primary sites of conduction for electromagnetic signals throughout the body. By affecting the acupuncture point we can change the flow of electrical energy in the body. Although complicated, Electromagnetic Theory is most closely aligned with the theory of Qi, which is the foundation of East Asian Medicine.