Some folks feel amazing during pregnancy and never have to deal with “morning” sickness. For others it can be miserable. You’re more prone to nausea during pregnancy if you experience nausea before you're pregnant, things like motion sickness, migraines, if you ever felt queasy on birth control, etc. It also tends to run in families so if you have a mother or sister that had a difficult time during early pregnancy, you may want to do more to prepare. Nausea usually kicks in around 6 weeks and usually fades around the end of the first trimester, but every body is different. Here are some general tips to help calm your stomach if you’re suffering.
Nausea is worse on an empty stomach, which is why it can be particularly awful first thing in the morning. Try to make sure that your stomach is never empty. Eat something every hour, even if it's a handful of cheerios. Keep a bowl of something bland by your bedside so you can grab a handful right when you wake up.
Ginger is the main herb used to treat nausea. You can take it as a supplement in capsule form or as a tea. Regular tea bags are fine, but using fresh ginger root will be more potent. Slice up some ginger root (no need to peel) and simmer it in a big pot of water for about 30min (or to taste). Make a big batch to have on hand and drink it warm or room temperature.
Wrist bands that apply pressure to the acupuncture point PC6 help relieve nausea. There are several brands, like Sea Bands or Preggie Wrist Bands. They typically come with a picture that shows the ideal placement.
Sense of smell is heightened during pregnancy, and many smells can make you feel awful, but some can help you feel better. For some folks smelling something like citrus can be soothing. You can carry around an orange peel in a baggie in your pocket to sniff when you feel queasy, or just find an essential oil that works for you.
Preggie Pop Drops are sour candies that claim nausea relief, and many folks swear by them.
B6 supplements can also decrease the severity of nausea during pregnancy.
Unisom (doxylamine), is an antihistamine that's used as a sleep aid. It's been used for nausea in pregnancy since the 50's and is considered safe during pregnancy. It can be taken with a dose of B6 before bed.
I have not listed the dosages of supplements/medications. It’s important to speak with your healthcare professional to ensure that something will be safe and effective for you.
Remember that having nausea during pregnancy is usually an indication that hormones are high, and is linked to a lower rate of miscarriage, so hang in there!